    Corniel Nobel
    Corniel Nobel

    Corniel suggests that you give Smashrun a try...

    “ Dit zou je als spammen kunnen opvatten, maar dit is zo'n leuke hardloopgegevens-logsite, met zulke koele stats, dat ik denk dat jij het ook heel gaaf vind. Je kan vanuit Garmin en Nike heel makkelijk importeren. ”

    Import and analyse your entire running history

    Check out these profiles to get an idea: Chris, Jacklyn, Steve.

    Train smart

    Identify trends, evaluate relative improvement, and track performance over time.

    Break through milestones

    Earn training badges based on cumulative mileage, frequency of runs, and speed training.

    See how you compare

    Track your progress against runners of the same sex, age group, and/or affinity.

    Know what's exceptional

    Notables are things that are special about a particular run.

    Some of the notables we track include:

    • fastest speed, overall, for certain distances
    • highest calories per minute burned
    • fastest mile and kilometre splits
    • lowest average and maximum HR